Book Worm Inspired Gift Guide

$15.93 Perfect gift for that woman friend in your life who wants some holistic insight into her health along with tips to unlock all of her potential.
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$15.00 Target Book Club Pick & psychological thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat the ENTIRE time. Based on a true story.
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$13.03 One of my all-time favorite books about the biography of cancer. May sound boring, but it is such an exciting read! There is also a PBS documentary about the book if you want to check that out before purchasing.
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$12.33 SUCH an awesome book for those in your life looking to fuel their work and relationships with positive energy and motivation.
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$79.00 per pair Keep your books upright in style with these STUNNING bookends.
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$11.05 Super helpful tips and tricks about how to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life.
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$7.64 Riveting book that takes you inside a mental health facility of the 1960s and allows you to feel like you are experiencing the justices/injustices right alongside the characters.
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$9.69 Written by Dave Cullen who was one of the first reporters on scene during this tragic incident. He dispels myths about what we THINK we know about the story and replaces those myths with facts. Sombering yet very interesting read and one of my favorites.
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